So far this year, we’ve offset nearly 105 tons of CO2 through our best-in-class sustainability program, EcoWork.

When companies decide to close down, relocate, or redecorate an office, the resulting decommission can have massive environmental impacts. In fact, the EPA estimates that more than 17 billion pounds of office assets are sent to landfills each year but at InterWork, we have a better solution.

We call it EcoWork, a best-in-class sustainability program that combines LEED-compliant recycling, repurposing, asset management, and charitable partnerships to achieve landfill diversion rates of 90% or greater on most decommission projects.

Here’s what that looks like in practice:

Tons of CO2 Offset YTD in 2022

smartphones charged

coal burned

miles driven

Watch a summary of our year-to-date ESG impact and learn how InterWork makes a difference in the health of our planet.

These figures represent our impact in the first half of 2022 – in 2021, InterWork and its predecessor companies diverted 352,000 lbs. of office assets from final disposal, which is the equivalent of nearly 18,000 gallons of gasoline, or more than 396,000 vehicle miles driven.

Combined with our solar-powered headquarters and commitment to eco-friendly office supplies, we’re building a company that’s centered on ESG, today and every day.

For more information about EcoWork and our sustainable decommission and nonprofit partnership programs, contact us.