Introverts – every office has a few. The trend away from quiet workspaces and toward open plans, however, can leave introverts in the lurch. Open plans can be great for fostering fluid collaborations, but introverts are often at their most innovative and productive when working in dedicated quiet spaces that provide them with the peace and quiet they need. To optimize your office space, consider incorporating enclosed workspaces that minimize distractions and allow office introverts a comfortable and productive work environment.

A Quiet Oasis

Many employees have a preference when it comes to a productive work environment. Traditional offices typically bestow privacy and quietude on a hierarchical basis rather than on an as-needed basis – think corner offices for shareholders. A far more productive and employee friendly approach, however, is to accommodate your employees on an as and when needed basis. Such an approach can manifest itself in a variety of ways, but consider allowing your employees to book time in an unused conference room or empty executive office for those occasions when they need to rely upon their inner introvert to really get things done. By so doing, you not only provide your employees with the opportunity to address their work needs but also help reduce their stress levels. In other words, everyone wins.

Tight Spaces and Telecommuting

If space is at a premium in your office and you don’t have the luxury of offering your employees dedicated quiet nooks, consider implementing a telecommuting policy. Even offering a temporary telecommuting option can help your employees get through periodic bursts of office overload. In devising a plan that works best for your business, take the time to analyze your office space, your workflow, and your employees’ needs. Every office is unique, and there are myriad ways of creating a workspace that optimizes everyone’s work potential.

Meetings, Meetings, Meetings . . .

Meetings are an important part of nearly every business, but meetings can become distractions in and of themselves. If you have too many meetings, you run the risk of diluting the significance of every meeting. Limit your meetings to those that really matter. There’s no way around it – introverts tend to shy away from meetings. When you limit your meeting schedule to those meetings that are essential to making and implementing important decisions, you help keep your employees engaged without bogging them down with unnecessary command performances.

Optimize Your Office Quiet Spaces by Calling InterWork for More Information Today

You employ at least a few introverts, and it’s important to provide them with a comfortable and productive work environment. The professional office planners at InterWork will help you reimagine your office with your employees’ unique needs in mind. For professional guidance in accommodating all your employees, contact or call us today at 800-821-3522.